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零售业和制造业最大的变革之一就是快速运输. Knowing that a company can provide expedited services is a big plus. Expedited freight can move either over land or in the air. Trucks have long been the backbone of the supply chain, but if time is of the essence, 在效率低下的路线上,卡车在多个送货站点上都没有浪费. Usually, 要运输的产品需要快速到达目的地,而不是通过长途卡车运输. 如果你想快速、可靠地把东西送到某个地方,空运就是最好的选择.

Air freight is an integral part of the global trade system. 许多公司需要长途和快速运输来维持他们的利润,他们依靠空运来满足他们对时间敏感的需求. 在当今的现代经济中,能够提供空运和速递bat365官方对于成为一家有竞争力的公司至关重要.

Why Air Freight?

航空货运提供的快速运输选择使其成为在全球范围内运送时间敏感货物的宝贵选择. Smaller and mid-size companies can benefit from this, 因为它允许他们以一种有效的方式参与国际贸易. In a world of instant gratification, 空运bat365官方是您的企业可以提供的最受欢迎的bat365官方之一.

Usually, shipping by air freight costs more than land or sea freight. While air freight may require an initial increase in overhead, 从长远来看,节省下来的钱可以大大增加公司的利润. Air freight can help eliminate unnecessary costs. For example, 由于空运货物的运输时间比陆运或海运要短, the insurance premium is lower. 即使空运可能很贵,你也可以用较低的保险费用节省一些钱. 与其他运输方式相比,空运通常也需要更少的包装. Thus, 您可以通过减少包装bat365官方和仓储以及保险成本来抵消空运成本.

As a service-oriented business of any kind, 以紧急和精简的方式移动库存的能力对于竞争性增长和可扩展性至关重要. 准确的预测是业务发展和计划阶段不可或缺的一部分. 当生产和供应中断时,加急货运的成本可以很快得到证明. 任何能力的轻微偏差,无论是超过还是低于,都会极大地改变预期的盈利能力. Air freight allows items to be delivered very quickly. As a result, 你不需要为了防止延迟交货而保持大量的库存. With fewer backstock in your warehouse, there is less risk of items depreciating, becoming irrelevant or damaged. This helps effectively balance costs and profits.

As Carol Frachon wrote in the original post of this blog:

“Demand forecasting is crucial to the success of a business. Some industries experience forecasting challenges. 零售商的风险尤其大,因为他们经营季节性商品. Too low supply of goods on hand can mean a loss in sales, 而货物过剩会导致销售清算和利润损失. 考虑到库存的运输成本,在预测中将运输成本纳入销售价格中是谨慎的. 空运往往是最有效和灵活的方式来调整航运需求.”

The Plan


第一件事是确定你方货物的重量和尺寸. 谈到空运,重量和体积是关键因素.

航空公司将按体积重量(也称为尺寸重量)或实际重量收费. Beyond the air freight shipping, price will also likely include:

· Surcharges

· Container freight station/terminal handling charges

· Airport transfers

· Customs brokerage

· Insurance

Outsourcing Air Freight

The benefits of outsourcing your expedited shipping needs out way the costs. 当加急货运公司正在处理您的交付需求, 你可以将注意力重新集中到企业的其他核心方面. 许多公司还在运输物流上浪费时间,却没有意识到它正在从业务的其他方面夺走资源. Delayed shipments, missing products, 或者处理不当的库存对任何试图保持竞争力的公司都没有好处. Therefore, 重要的是将航空货运整合到业务结构中,以减轻未来的任何问题,并让您安心.

Customs Brokerage Firms

Customs brokerage firms 为个人和公司提供跨境货物运输和交付便利. 海关经纪公司可以帮助您确定最具成本效益的方式来利用空运. When participating in any international shipping, you should be prepared for customs procedures and documents. 海关经纪人确保你的货物进入一个国家符合不断变化的规则, regulations, laws, and trade agreements. 如果操作不当,你可能会面临罚款,并完全失去发行能力. By working with a customs broker, 确保货运管理的各个方面都得到妥善处理


如果你的货物需要快速移动,空运是最好的解决方案. However, there are some drawbacks compared to ocean or land transportation, such as air costs and limits of cargo types, sizes, and weights. 尽管有这些缺点,但空运的优点多于缺点. Like almost every decision in the supply chain, choosing your preferred shipping method depends on a trade-off. 考虑你的货物的紧迫性和你的预算是什么,以确定空运是否适合你的货物. 如果快速可靠的交货是你的首要任务,空运的好处显然超过了成本.

To learn more about the International customs, expedited air cargo, or the importance of an advanced air freight network in general, 或者如果你有任何未回答的问题,想安排一个简短的咨询, please reach out to us at 704.357.0474 or email us HERE.




CLN Headquarters: 8530-A Steele Creek Pl Dr., Charlotte, NC 28273


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